Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New from

Gallery Wrapped Canvas Prints
Moonrise on the Ranch No. 1
NOVEMBER! Can you believe it? The holidays are just around the corner and fall is in the air. My evening walks with the dogs are much more pleasant now that the ground isn't radiating that 100 degree daytime heat. These digital paintings are a result of one such walk.

Wall Art available from Cafe Press
Moonrise on the Ranch No. 2

I snapped these shots with my LG Intuition 'Phablet' and used it for reference when recreating the image in digital paint using Art Rage Studio Pro 3.5.4. These two images are available as prints from my Zazzle & Cafe Press shops. Just follow the links or click on the images to have a look.

Archival Quality Gallery Wrapped Canvas from Zazzle
Texas Turkey Trot

What's November without turkeys! These gobblers were parading down my driveway one afternoon so I grabbed my little HP R507 Photosmart camera and snapped a couple pics. I then took on the rather labor intensive project of recreating the image as an oil painting using Art Rage Studio Pro 3.5.4. The result is a very realistic Impressionist style painting. It is available on 32x32 Gallery Wrapped Canvas through my Zazzle shop.

The holiday Arts & Craft events are in full swing. The event calendar is full with shopping & family fun available literally every weekend between now and Christmas. Check out the  event calendar and get your festive on.

Official Store Greeter for Turquoise Trading Post

Speaking of holidays, I want to encourage my readers to take a break from the malls and the big boxes and look around for the local shops and galleries that feature quality art, jewelry and collectibles. One of my all time favorites is the Turquoise Trading Post in Austin. The most gorgeous collection of Native American Jewelry I have found. They have a wide selection of price points, there is truely something for everyone on your list. They also carry a selection of Southwest style furnishings and accessories, Minnetonka moccasins, clothing, bags, music...I could go on, but I'll curb my enthusiasm.

To me though, opening the big wooden door at the Turquoise Trading Post is like opening a giant "walk in treasure chest".

Click the map to get directions to the Turquoise Trading Post

View Larger Map

I am still looking for my next Featured Texas Artisan, if you know someone or would like to be featured yourself, drop me a line or complete the Featured Artist Nomination Form. I'd love to meet you.

Well, that about covers it for now. Remember "Buy Local and Think Global" and...

Let the HOLLY-DAZE begin!
